Intimacy Issues

Intimacy Issues is the debut EP from Ottawa native, Emma Lamarre, who goes by the name TAXI. The EP, Intimacy Issues features five very distinct songs from this young and talented artist. Working with Blinker the Star’s Jordon Zadorozny (who recorded, mixed and mastered the EP) and producer Bernard Frazer (Frazer also co-wrote the music with Lamarre), TAXI goes for broke on this stylish debut.
There is no one sound for this album. Moving effortlessly from pop to hard rock to ballad TAXI has produced five very strong songs. The lead off single, “Couch” has a memorable melody, catchy chorus and some fine lyrics. But it is Lamarre’s vocal delivery that catches your attention. She has a distinct command of her voice and draws the listener into her world and her music. I found that the lyrics drove the song and her use of words is quite wonderful. “I get bored too easily” the song begins and from there you get the sense she will not be bored for long. It may sound trite, but her use of language and the way she sets the scene is really quite intriguing.
There is no format to the EP, there are lots of different sounds. The joy of this EP is that the listener just does not know where TAXI is taking us next. This is one cab ride you will want to take again and again. The title track “Intimacy Issues” is almost a self confession. I am not saying the song is autobiographical, but it is a brilliant setup for a song and one that lives up to its title as well as being the ideal name of this EP.
One other highlight is “Sad”, a definite single in the making. This shows a different side to TAXI and is a welcome addition to the more active music heard throughout. Again the lyrics are unusual but grabbing. “You’re making me feel bad about being sad” she sings. A brilliant line that reflects an issue not often found in pop music. The song is an energetic almost angry ballad, with some suitable and stirring instrumentation from Frazer and Zadorozny
Intimacy Issue’s is a brilliant debut from a talented artist. I can only imagine what she could do with an entire album. She has set the bar high with this debut, but TAXI has the talent to return in the future with some fine music. Until then we will have to be content with this brilliant debut EP. Pay the fare and enjoy the ride with TAXI.
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Aaron Badgley