“Cross your heartΒ and hope to rise”
A brand new track to maybe bring a spark of optimism in an otherwise bleak time.
Shikhee from Android Lust & kaRIN from Collide have teamed up to create “Are You Listening.” Typically, the two women spend timeΒ discussing the ills of the world and numerous social injustices, while sharing a vision of a more just world.Β But atΒ a holiday party lastΒ year the two decided to takeΒ a stab at working on a track together.Β “Are You Listening” happened.
The song started off on a dark note. They were trading ideas back and forth when the pandemic hit and theΒ track took on aΒ different direction, opting for a more hopeful message in a moody ambient electronic soundscape.
There’s also a video for the track directed by Tas Limur.
Artist Quote (kaRIN)Β
“Shikhee and I have been friends for many years now. Typically, our concerned conversations usually go to what is going on in the world. Β When we haveΒ time, we go out and peacefully protestΒ together with our hopes of the world becoming a better place for humanity. Β I am very grateful to know Shikhee asΒ a human being, and as a very good friend. Β During the holidays, before theΒ world went crazy I asked her to send me a track that I could mess aroundΒ with–she did and I tried to channel what I felt about our many discussions together. Β Ultimately, I would say the trackΒ feels dark with hope–which I feelΒ sums it up pretty well.”
Android Lust And Collide
(Synthellec Music)
Release Date: August 7, 2020