“Paul Pretzel,” the new single from Los Angeles’ Coma Girls, finds Chris Spino’s constantly evolving power-pop-turned-atmospheric-folk project once again delving into new territory—this time, shoegaze-tinged indie rock.
With its cutting lyrics and gauzy layers of sound, “Paul Pretzel” is at once wound and bandage. “You’ve got it all wrong / You were a tree for me to come and try to wrap my car around,” sings Spino, his vocal delivery walking the razor’s edge between genuine devastation and sardonic self-deprecation. Which seems like his wheelhouse.
Artist Quote
“I recorded ‘Paul Pretzel’ with Christian Philippi. The entire song was cut and mixed in two days at Christian’s studio at Downtown Rehearsal in L.A. during the coronavirus quarantine. We were trying to stay as isolated as possible, so instead of bringing in a bunch of musicians to play on it, I ended up doing everything myself—drums, bass, guitars, keys, vocals and omnichord.
“The song is about good friends and bad habits. It’s also a nod to a short story my Dad wrote back in the ’70s about crashing his car and meeting the devil, who calls himself ‘Paul Pretzel’ in the story. I thought it was a proper title for a song where one person is writing, singing and playing all the instruments. It’s sort of a transitional song—something I wanted to put out as a standalone single before my new EP Skyboxer comes out in January. I ended up really liking the process of working on ‘Paul Pretzel’ mostly by myself, and with that same approach in mind, I’m also working on a new full-length, which should be out later next year.” ~Chris Spino
Coma Girls
(Baby Robot Records)
Release Date: November 5, 2020