Finger Eleven @ Molson Canadian Studio, Hamilton November 10th, 2015 It was an excited hometown crowd filing into the Molson Canadian Studio in Hamilton on a Tuesday night for Burlington boys Finger Eleven. The club was filled with old friends [...]
Die Mannequin/ Secret Broadcast @ This Ain’t Hollywood, Hamilton May 3rd, 2015 Though only a handful of people had made their way over to This Ain’t Hollywood, it didn’t deter Secret Broadcast and Die Mannequin from finishing [...]
Limblifter @ This Ain’t Hollywood, Hamilton March 26th, 2015 If you were to judge the level or “size” of a performance based on the size of the outside of the venue, you would be sadly misguided. It would be a huge underestimation, as it [...]
The New Pornographers & Operators @ Hamilton Place, Hamilton February 8th, 2015 Despite freezing rain and horrible driving conditions, a handful of people had found their way to Hamilton Place, and were standing around waiting in eager [...]