Michael Zaxxon – “My Body Is Dead”
Labrador Records
Michael Zaxxon released their 57 seconds long debut single “My Body Is Dead” last week. This weekend they finished a quite lovely video for the track. It’s based on the classical space-arcade shooter Zaxxon from 1984 in which you control a space fighter. Enjoy!
About Michael Zaxxon
michael zaxxxon. Michael Zaxxon. MICHAEL ZAXXON! M.I.C.H.A.E.L. fucking Z.A.X.X.O.N!!!
So what is this you ask? Well, it’s the sound of something called LOVE… something with HEART…and no, perhaps not soul, but if we did have did have a soul we would put it RIGHT HERE. For you. For us. For the sake of absolutely nothing but the pure joy if being HERE and doing THIS right NOW. Yes! What you call a personal insult we call ART… a thing of BEAUTY.
And why bother sending this to YOU of all people? Well, maybe we just want to annoy you. I mean…Pop music!? Come on, no one has played guitars since the fucking sixties for gods sake!!!
So, you will HATE MICHAEL ZAXXON and you will HATE “MY BODY IS DEAD”. But if it’s of any comfort we’ve at least had the decency of making it less than 1 minute long. So, here you go…
~ Michael Zaxxon!
Michael Zaxxon
(Labrador Records)
Release Date: April 8, 2016