Havelin, also known as Alex Zaichkowski, is an acclaimed (unofficially) singer-songwriter (allegedly) whose passion for music began at a young age and will continue until his untimely demise (which will likely come at the hands of some great warrior or foul beast…or, more likely, slipping on a banana peel).
Five to six years of getting kicked around by life’s ups and downs culminated in Havelin almost hanging up his hat as a songwriter, until a fortuitous spark of creativity struck him while driving by a rodeo grounds in his home province of Alberta.
That moment birthed “Rodeo Clown,” a forlorn and melodic reflection on toxic relationships in all their forms: business, platonic, and romantic. Its plaintive organ, guitar, and piano provide the backdrop to an earnest song that speaks of Havelin’s inner turmoil when feeling the need to perform a role within these unhealthy dynamics.
Alberta-born Havelin songs weave rich narratives into pleasant melodies, while his storytelling strives to unpack complex emotions in a way that is both uniquely personal and heart-wrenchingly universal.
His upcoming record, Who Among Us…, (release date TBA) deals with themes of life, death, love, heartbreak, and identity. It’s a tribute to feeling intensely and embracing the strangeness and beauty this world has to offer.
“This song’s definitely cathartic for me. It brings up a lot of the emotional baggage and exhaustion that I’ve felt trying to get my music out there over the last decade… but at the same time, it also gets me really excited. It represents the start of something new. Something more honest, more sincere – a record that really feels like me.”
Release Date: August 23, 2024