Lovelorn Dolls are classified as gothic; their music is not simply dark, as those new to the genre may expect, but rather deep, layered with emotion. Daubresse offers, “It’s not just about negative personal events that we’ve gone through like bereavement, depression, separation, but also current events that have had an impact on us and that inspired us to write a song on the theme.” Further offering an example felt worldwide, “…like “Dead Sea” on the previous album talks about the death of migrants trying to cross the Mediterranean.” It states that current events will continue to influence future music, not exclusively, though with positive themes throughout, which the world could use right now in the face of uncertainty.
When discussing the meaning of “Beautiful Chaos”, Daubresse articulated that the song itself is about relationship breakdowns and divorce, with the focus on a toxic relationship that carries a greater level of complexity, “…the problems do not stop there, especially when there are children who become an issue or a means of pressure. Sometimes, it gets even more chaotic. As for the title of the song “Beautiful Chaos”, it is, of course, to be taken ironically.” Lowagie offered, “Each remix has its own vibe, and we love them all. It’s always fun to hear his song in a new version. I really like AudioPyre’s version, probably because it accentuates the chaotic side of the lyrics.” I’d have to agree.
When considering Lovelorn Dolls holistically, you can’t help but be drawn to their unique cover art, which I find captivating. A prominent theme throughout is the girl. Lowagie, confessing her role model is Alice in Wonderland, self-identifies as the girl in the art. In a complete moment of vulnerability, she stated, “The little girl represents me. This is my inner self. I’ve had a lot of psychological problems since I was little, and I’ve gone to therapy.” Lowagie articulated that her issues started when she was a young child, feeling bad about herself; these feelings have remained through to her adult life, “I represent little girls, everywhere, all the time.”
Pulling that thread of music and visuals further, the Darkest Ages album cover may be considered the most sinister. The album itself is darker from the outset, with, for example, “Darker Days” and its unique demonic growling vocals. Daubresse explained the method used to develop the album took a two-phase approach, “The first pieces were composed at the end of 2015. Then, health problems prevented me from continuing. Writing resumed in 2017, almost two years later.” He continued expressing how the album was a catharsis conveyed through the darkness, “The upcoming album, you can expect a dark side that is still very pronounced, but colour has returned to the visuals. The adjective “creepy cute” fits well with the Lovelorn Dolls of 2024.”
Full of raw vulnerability, which speaks volumes and as mentioned, provides a catharsis, Daubresse acknowledged the challenges in how the industry has evolved, “We can deplore it and complain like “it was better before” or accept that things are changing. We choose the second option instead. Music has lost its value due to its rarity. There is no need to lock a band in a studio for weeks. For my part, I recorded the bass, guitar, and synth parts at home. We wanted a real drummer to play on the album because it adds a more organic feel. But costs are still linked to production, promotion, quality video filming, etc. Even if we try to do as much as possible ourselves, we don’t know how to do everything.”
It was an absolute pleasure unpacking Lovelorn Dolls’ past, present, and future. I am moved by the events that have shaped their beliefs, culture, and art. “Beautiful Chaos” is a glimpse of what is to come for Lovelorn Dolls in 2024, with a complex yet relatable motivation behind their music, offering its catharsis. I expect more beautiful chaos. Keep an eye out for their work in 2024 and get behind much-loved artists. So, how can the fans support artists? Daubresse sums it up perfectly: “Buy something, the CD, a T-shirt, a mug. You can also contribute in a way that costs nothing: listen to us on your favourite platform, add us to your playlists, talk about us.”