Jim James
Uniform Distortion
ATO Records

Uniform Distortion is the newest album by Jim James. He brings forth a soulful experience with an indie feel. James’ latest album will be a bit different than his last. He decided to drop the heavily played with sounds on a computer but opted for the more basic rock sound.
The album’s title is a play at how distorted everything is in society simply based on what society accepts as normal. One example would be how many people get news updates from Facebook and Twitter instead of doing the searching themselves or a news station. It’s just uniform conformity. Since everything from websites is so distorted because of how much information they get from our everyday lives, the websites show us what we want to see. James uses this idea in an expanded format in his music. Everything is dubbed in a slight distortion. This plays well to a listener, but it also helps prove the point James is trying to make.
Uniform Distortion is a very well-made album that uses underlying noises and powerful lyrics to drive home a message of the insanity of society. Though it is making a valid point, it gets a bit too obvious in some spots making it seem like it is trying to cram a specific agenda down your throat. The music itself is really enjoyable and the lyrics are catchy, so it will definitely see some play in the future.
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Josh Whitworth