“Lovebirds on the Weekend” is a timeless, classic rock banger from Mystery Rose’s debut LP Socially Distant. At just 18, her phenomenal talent is evident on every track. Deployed in torch ballads and pop-punk numbers, her wise-beyond her-years songwriting imbues the 11 songs. Mystery Rose sets herself apart with emo pop-punk twists, complemented by Dan West’s spot-on arrangements. Mystery Rose – aka Zoe Rose – commands the kineticism of youth while realizing there are some lessons people never stop learning. “There are no new stories, but we can put modern twists on age-old problems,” says Rose.
On Socially Distant, Rose reaches deeper into her storytelling, releasing a powerful arsenal of timely and timeless songs whose themes are evergreen. West’s arrangements support the versatility of Rose’s singing and writing. Throughout, she stays true to her love of live instruments, not including any programmed beats on the album. Steve Hanft (Beck, The Cure) has created clever and beautifully crafted music videos for the singles, and provides the artwork for the “Lovebirds on the Weekend” single. Rose has a stellar backing band as well and is eager for venues to re-open.
Artist Quote
“The song taps into that anger or resentment you have towards your ex. It’s so satisfying to sing these lyrics, ‘I don’t give a fuck about you or your girlfriend/ Last thing on my mind is you lovebirds on the weekend.’ However, then the human emotion takes over. My favorite line in the song is: ‘ I loved you then/ I love you now/I loved you never/I don’t know which one is better.’ It’s so honest.
Mystery Rose
Socially Distant
Release Date: October 15, 2021