Maybe May might have a name that suggests neither here nor there, but rest assured, this Mississauga trio are very much affirmed in their sound and style no matter the season. Fronted by Demetrius (vocals/guitar), Rian (bass) and Vitaly (drums), their sound draws listeners in by seamlessly blending heavy instrumentation with graceful melodies which provide a rich tapestry for delivering messages of love, loss, and betrayal.
Inspired by the tragic events that led to the suicide of a friend, “Better” is the latest single from Mississauga rock trio Maybe May. All marketing efforts for “Better” will promote the resources of Canada Suicide Prevention Service.
Artist Quote
“We can always strive to be better as human beings. For some of us it could mean at our jobs, at a sport, or playing an instrument but what we are focusing on is our relationships with one another. Our thoughts and actions, how we treat others, as well as the words we speak have lasting impressions” says Demetrius, singer-songwriter and guitarist for the band.
Maybe May
Release Date: September 3, 2021