Vancouver-based quartet Slightest Clue recently released their latest single “When You Wake Up”.
Bassist Hanna Kruse had this to say about the track:
I remember marching into our practice space after the line came to me, and was like, “Guys, okay I have a song. All I have is this one line, but I know it’s a song.”
The first inspiration for the song was an instrumental demo made by our guitarist Malcolm McLaren, which included the cool, stuttering, stop-start instrumental you hear during the song’s hook. After listening to the demo a few times in my headphones, the phrase I don’t wanna wait / call me when you wake up slid into my mind fully-formed.
We incorporated a lot of our influences on this track. There’s inspiration from the chord progressions and use of different time signatures that King Krule is known for, the song title which is a nod to My Bloody Valentine’s “When You Sleep,” and some lyrics from Modern English’s song “I Melt With You” which was a big inspiration in terms of storytelling for this song.
Slightest Clue
Release Date: November 13, 2023