Well, it is that time of year again, to gather friends and family and get together for Christmas, the most wonderful time of the year. This year, new Christmas records and some interesting re-releases have reached these ears, and this is a rough guide. It can also serve as some good suggestions for your holiday party playlist. Or maybe, just some new music you want to discover. It is all good, because, as John Prine once said, “Hell man, it’s Christmas!”
Jimmy Fallon
Holiday Seasoning
Republic Records/Universal Music Canada
November 1, 2024

With the release of Holiday Seasoning, silliness and fun are key for comedian and talk show host Jimmy Fallon. As can be gleaned from his music parodies and his adulation for music artists on his TV show, creating such a project is close to Fallon’s heart. Featuring collaborations with such heavy hitters as Ariana Grande, Meghan Trainor, Dolly Parton, and Justin Timberlake, Fallon’s talent shines through, resulting in a good time holiday package.
There are plenty of highlights here, but Fallon’s duet with Meghan Trainor on “Wrap Me Up” is noteworthy, as is the album’s single, “Holiday”, performed with the Jonas Brothers. More outwardly comical is Fallon’s “New Year’s Eve Polka” with “Weird” Al Yankovic, and “Hallmark Movie” with Cara Delevigne.
The songs and goofy bits just keep on coming, in this 16-song offering. While it is often over the top, Fallon’s talent and innate musicality cannot be denied. You be the judge.
Barenaked Ladies
Barenaked for the Holidays (20th Anniversary Vinyl Reissue)
Craft Recordings
October 18, 2024

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of its original release, Barenaked Ladies are rereleasing their holiday album, Barenaked for the Holidays.
Listening to this album, one is reminded of the talent and versatility of this band. The album leads off with the brilliantly-arranged and multi-dimensional “Jingle Bells”, and just goes from there. The Ladies take us on a wild ride that includes sea shanties (“I Saw Three Ships”), klezmer (‘Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah), and jazzy folk (“God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen”), among many other styles and takes. Featuring 20 songs, the tracklist seems as endless as it is varied.
We could go on here, mentioning guest stars such as Sarah McLachlan (on the folked-up “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen”), or the original song “Elf’s Lament”, which features a then new-on-the-scene Michael Bublé. These guest artists add further depth to an already talent-laden and layered group. Those given to nostalgia will welcome the sound of the band’s original lineup, which included Steven Page.
What more can we say? This album is still great. Congratulations, BNL, on this anniversary milestone!
The Sheepdogs + BROS
“Santa Man/Hot Christmas”
Right On Records/The Orchard
November 28, 2024

Trust The Sheepdogs and side duo project BROS to put a double-sided single under the tree this year. Addressing the current shortage of true Christmas rock songs, the band brings the fun and the funk with the blues rock of “Santa Man”. Sweet and tight, with a cool electric piano figure and a wicked guitar solo, it is a great addition to the Christmas canon.
On the flip side, BROS’ single takes a different tack (but equally fun), with the salsa-inflected “Hot Christmas”. Singing the praises of a tropical Christmas vacation, and featuring some fun production bits and a great organ and jazzy flute break, The Sheepdogs and BROS have released a pair of winners. Listeners will be enjoying these songs for years to come.
“Last Christmas”
November 8, 2024

It takes a bit of nerve, especially for young artists, to take on an iconic holiday hit. The act in this instance is the young indie pop duo Isabella&Sebastian, and their up-tempo version of “Last Christmas” by WHAM!
There is lots of energy here, with a straight up rock rhythm section coloured with keys and guitar lending new life to the 1984 pop classic. Despite this, it tends to sound slightly programmed and prefab. There is a bit of sonic respite in the noodley guitar and keys solo, but the ear yearns for more.
Isabella gives a serviceable vocal performance, double-tracked for extra power, but there is a vocal hitch affectation that she employs, which tends to distract. Overall, though, the song works. While it does not match the original, it brings a fresh perspective to the song and is worth a spin.
Sofia Talvik
“AT Christmas”
Makaki Music
November 28, 2024

A story about getting lost on a wilderness trail at Christmas is unlikely subject matter for a holiday song, but that is exactly what Swedish Folk/Americana artist Sofia Talvik has given us. Modified from the artist’s friend’s true-life experience on the Appalachian Trail, “AT Christmas” poetically relates that story.
Beautifully-recorded, “AT Christmas” is a mid-tempo song in the folk-pop tradition, featuring guitars, bass, percussion, cello, accordion, and vocals. With a wonderful dynamic arc, the intensity and instrumentation build as the story is told. Talvik’s effortless vocal soars, augmented by some inspired harmony singing. While it is not standard holiday fare, “AT Christmas” is a welcome addition to the season. Enjoy!
The Fifth Wheel
“I Miss You Christmas”
November 27, 2024

“I Miss You Christmas” is an independent release from northeastern Ohio alt-rock band The Fifth Wheel. The song hits us immediately with some familiar sonic ground, as the introduction strongly evokes the chorus of John and Yoko’s “Happy Xmas (War Is Over)”. This is actually a brilliant subliminal move that puts “I Miss You Christmas” in league with John and Yoko’s work. Like the earlier song, this one is also written in ¾ time.
Possessing a pleasant melody and chord progression, “I Miss You Christmas” may not be a great song, but it is a good song. Though it is not wildly memorable, it is very well-crafted and produced. The lead singer gives an assertive and engaging vocal performance, and like all great power ballads, it is anthemic and bombastic in all the right places. The musicianship here is top-notch, and clearly the writing, arranging and production team know what they are doing. Perhaps “I Miss You Christmas” might not become a classic, but it will resonate with many listeners.
The Ratchets
“Holy Mother of God”
Pirates Press Records
November 22, 2024

While not an outwardly seasonal song, “Holy Mother of God” by The Ratchets is a diamond among the coal in this year’s Christmas stocking. Boasting a strong main guitar riff, a plaintive lead vocal and a strong gang chorus, this little tune revives one’s faith in awesome songs at holiday time.
Replete with jingle bells and chimes, this song even contains a cheeky nod to Generation X’s “Dancing With Myself” (‘oh-oh-ohoh’) in the coda. Between the songwriting, musicianship, and production, the only improvement that one might suggest would be to bring the vocal farther forward in the mix.
The positive message of harmony for humankind in “Holy Mother Of God” deserves your aural attention. Now is the time to celebrate positivity and peace on Earth. Joe Strummer is looking down and smiling. Let’s rock.
Johnny 99
“It Can’t Be Christmas”
North Country Collective
November 21, 2024

“It Can’t Be Christmas” is the new tune from Johnny 99, alter ego of City and Colour guitarist John Sponarski. Having been busy with his regular band gig in the past few years, Sponarski is poised to release a new Johnny 99 album in 2025. This song is a bit of a preview of his upcoming work.
A traditional-sounding country song, “It Can’t Be Christmas” explores the melancholy side of the holiday. Featuring a standard structure, and containing some sweet and sad sounds, this song is a winner. Sponarski has enlisted his City And Colour bandmates Matt Kelly, Erik Nielsen and Leon Power to back him on this recording. With impeccable performances and production, the result is outstanding. There is a beautiful instrument blend and close-miked intimacy here that really draws the listener in. Give this gem a spin!
Matthew Holtby
“Away This Christmas”
November 22, 2024

Canadian singer-songwriter Matthew Holtby is helping to make the season bright with his holiday release “Away This Christmas”. Taking a sincere and honest approach to writing and production, Holtby sings from the point of view of a person who chooses to leave his loved ones in favour of tropical climes at Christmas. While the song is a bit of a wishful thinking escapist trip, we feel the narrator’s internal struggle.
Holtby’s offering is a gentle song with a sad edge and simple adornments. Standout features include the artist’s clear vocal delivery, a Salvation Army-style brass band effect, tasteful piano, and seasonally-appropriate bells and chimes. Whether one is listening specifically to this song and its lyrics, or if it is part of the holiday wallpaper, Matthew Holtby’s “Away This Christmas” is a great addition to any playlist.
Michael Bublé w/ Carly Pearce
“Maybe This Christmas”
Reprise Records/Warner
November 18, 2024

Imagine this reviewer’s excitement when he read the title of Bublé’s holiday single and thought, “Great! Michael Bublé is covering a Ron Sexsmith song!” Imagine also, his disappointment when he realized that he was wrong. Still, this is a pretty good song, which sees the redoubtable crooner duetting with the wonderful vocalist Carly Pearce.
Presented in an uplifting gospel style, “Maybe This Christmas” comes under the category of ‘being away from loved ones at Christmas’. Both singers turn in solid performances as the song moves from being quiet and mournful and grows dynamically. Slick and well-produced, “Maybe This Christmas” will surely find its audience among those who like this sort of thing. But will Michael Bublé ever cover Ron Sexsmith’s holiday song? Maybe next Christmas!
“Fairytale Of New York”
November 14, 2024

The indie band JOHNNYSWIM have thrown their hat into the Christmas song ring with their cover of The Pogues’ 1988 perennial holiday hit, “Fairytale Of New York”. You can imagine the trepidation with which I approached listening to it, but there is good news. It does not suck.
For fans of music, and of The Pogues, this song holds a special place in our hearts. Indeed, it is tattooed on our souls, and it would seem a sacrilege for any band to try to take it on. Thankfully, JOHNNYSWIM boldly makes this song their own. That is not to say that it is right – it is simply different.
The song is thoughtfully arranged, and at times almost comes close to the energy of the original. Still, one cannot help but feel that, if they made a Broadway show based on the music of The Pogues, it might sound like this. Yes, it is artful and professional, but the listener is aware of what is happening, and it does not ring true.
The members of JOHNNYSWIM are making all the right noises, but those noises are hollow. This band gets points for sheer nerve, but there are some songs that should not be tampered with, and this is one of them. You are going to want to listen, though – out of curiosity, if nothing else.
“Song for a Winter’s Night”
November 7, 2024

Imagine a band so wonderful that even their outtakes are great. Such is the case with the new Skydiggers release, their cover of Gordon Lightfoot’s “Song For A Winter’s Night”. Originally recorded 11 years ago as part of the sessions that became the album Angels, this song was not included on that release, because the band had more songs that they needed for the project. Now, as they celebrate 10 years since the release of Angels, this recording is finally seeing the light of day.
In tone and tempo, this track owes much to Lightfoot’s original recording. The drummer and the bassist, Noel Webb and Derrick Brady (respectively) keep the rhythm bouncing along, and guitarist Josh Finlayson’s fingerpicking evokes Lightfoot himself. Central to the track is Andy Maize’s sensitive and fragile vocal, with sweet harmonies by Jessy Bell Smith. The song is further elevated by Anne Lindsay’s bright and lilting fiddle work.
Skydiggers are indeed a national treasure, and this release simply serves to accentuate that point. Listen and enjoy.
Sara Noelle
“Little Dove/Silent Night”
December 2, 2024

Putting out a holiday release is somewhat of a tradition for indie folk and ambient-inspired artist Sara Noelle, who has released music at the holidays for the past five years. This year, she has released the original “Little Dove”, a hypnotic song that is beautiful in its simplicity. Featuring a repeated chord progression throughout, the artist’s vocal has an ethereal quality, as musical embellishments weave in and out. Through her poetic observations, Noelle compels the listener to lean in and let the song unfold. This is a truly gentle and lovely song and would be appropriate listening in a variety of settings.
Noelle’s version of the Gruber/Mohr Christmas carol “Silent Night” leans more to the ambient side of things. Electronic music accompanies Noelle’s vocal in this familiar song, giving it a warm and familiar-yet-foreign sound. It may not be to everyone’s taste, but it is worth a listen, to open up one’s ideas of traditional music at Christmas.