The Science And Artfunkel Victory Lap
Coalition Music
USS might be heading out on their Final Freakquency tour, but that didn’t stop them from dropping the surprise album The Science and Artfunkel Victory Lap.
Released on on all major streaming platforms, The Science and Artfunkel Victory Lap is bursting with cacophonic sounds and artful allusions. But when compared to Einsteins of Consciousness, which was released in January 2021, this “thank you album” is in a league all its own.
That’s not to say that this album doesn’t measure up. USS has just done what they’ve always done. They brilliantly blew anyone’s expectations right out of the water and just did their own thing.
Perhaps that is what makes The Science and Artfunkel Victory Lap so much fun. Each song is a new experience, a new feeling, and that’s ok. Like any victory lap, this album was a chance to show-off and play. USS has done what they came to do and now is the time to play. And play they did.
The lead single “Follow (Trans Lunar Ejector Maneuver)” is more of their usual sound, a type of alternative pop that pushes the boundaries of the genre. It’s a good song, but there are much better tracks on the album. For example, “Belladonna Killz” has a melancholic vibe that is entrancing. The accompanying cello is stunning and beautiful, and with the restrained vocals this song suggests the Canadian alternative scene of the late 90s and early 2000s.
A bit more upbeat, “i love my friends” features some great spoken track and a mash of sounds reminiscent of punk garage bands. It’s an energizing bundle of rage tied in a sac that will have you screaming along at the top of your lungs.
If you are a long-time USS fan, The Science and Artfunkel Victory Lap is a must. It feels like this album is for you. And even if you’re just a sometimes fan, there is so much going on in this album that it would be a mistake to miss it.
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Samantha Stevens