Scott Matthews
Restless Lullabies
Shedio Records
With any process, there has to be a reverse process. Still, a key question remains there, particularly with music, which is the better one for the artist?
In the case of singers songwriters, they usually start ‘acoustic’ and then move into something different, say electronica. Yet, what happens when they reverse this process?
The case in question is UK singer-songwriter Scott Matthews whose previous album New Skin saw him move squarely into the electronica-based music, that won him quite high praise from the likes of Radiohead, Robert Plant, and others.
Yet, on his new release Restless Lullabies Matthews decides to go (back) to an all-acoustic affair, dominated with picked acoustic guitars, pianos et al. Mistake?
Definitely not. Sure, Matthews can handle electronica with ease and invention, but he also has a brilliant melodic sense, songwriting skills and an excellent voice to handle whatever he puts in front of it.
Yes, with acoustic music, you are practically by yourself, and completely exposed to any failings, but by the evidence of Restless Lullabies, Matthews’ musical failings are so hard, or almost impossible to find.
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