Lizzie Loveless
You Don’t Know
Egghunt Records

It is a long way from Halifax, NS to New York City. Whatever Lizzie Lieberson picked up on her way from her hometown beyond her nom de plume of Lizzie Loveless down seems to have worked wonders on her music as it evolves on You Don’t Know.
Actually, Loveless is one of pop music’s wonders. She is able to combine all the good elements of being a singer/songwriter past to being a good singer/songwriter present. Simply put, she is able to bring the art of presenting all you feel and think accompanied by spare backing into modern times and all the production and arrangement wonders are available today.
Just listen to tracks like “Joke” or “Eyes of a Man” and you can hear the contrast of a simple electronic embellishments (former) or what a modern baroque pop should sound like (latter).
At the same time, Loveless is able to cover some very sensitive and personal themes, as on “Joke” without falling into any traps that some characterize as “navel-gazing”. She is even able to head into the directions of some great electro-pop like on “Loveless.”
Surprising or not, an excellent album, nonetheless.
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