I Prevail
True Power
Fearless Records

Michigan’s I Prevail have emerged from a nearly two year break to deliver their third album, the highly anticipated follow up to 2019’s Trauma. True Power, their most aggressive album yet.
In June, they kicked the doors off the hinges releasing the first single from the album, “Body Bag”. They got everyone’s attention, letting us know they’re back, and they aren’t messing around. It opens with immediate aggression and vocalist Eric Vanlerberghe unleashes a vicious growl and he doesn’t let up throughout the whole track. He screams “Oh my god just shut your fucking mouth!” This one makes you want to break stuff.
The second single “Bad Things” is my personal favorite, the lyrics really speak volumes, almost loving the numbness, it feels better than the pain. It’s catchy and flows very smoothly.
Then they slam on the brakes and all the chaos dissipates in the end with the duet-ish track “Doomed”. We get to hear Eric Vanlerberghe’s clean vocals, which are amazing but out of place. Then the song and the album come to an abrupt ending.
These guys have grown so much creatively since the Heart vs Mind EP. Musically, this album is heavy with earth shattering breakdowns and massive guitar riffs and even some rapping with amazing lyrical content that all fit together perfectly. Vanlerberghe is a major vocal player here and has stepped out of his comfort zone this time around to deliver some softer-spoken rap style lyrics and clean vocals. He and Brian Burkheiser complement each other perfectly throughout the entire album with their contrasting vocals. The band isn’t afraid to push their own boundaries, bringing in some diverse influences to their already recognizable style and sound with a no fucks given approach and a more aggressive sound.
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Melinda Welsh