Embark on a sonic journey of revelation in motion with Thunder Queens, the London, Ontario-based trio of Violet Bruneel, Lola Hayman, and Clara Magnan. On their debut full-length album, Strike One, Thunder Queens deliver a blend of doom-tinged grunge, onyx-toned punk melodies, and searing multi-part harmonies – all while creating a mesmerizing sound that is uniquely their own.
Today, they’re sharing the new single, “All These Problems”, a song they wrote, “during a summer of protests that affected so many different communities including the black Black Lives Matter protests stemmed from the murder of George Floyd. We wanted to tell our perspective being teenage girls and dealing with problems in our lives. Our favourite lyrics are ‘all these problems may be hard, we just have to set the bar’ and it speaks to how our generation needs to step up and get involved if we want to see any change. It’s about repression, racism, and societal issues that are going to impact our futures. We want to influence people to care, pay attention and speak up. Anger about issues can be very inspiring for action and we channeled that energy for this song.”
The band are unafraid to be experimental and shapeshift, conjuring the playful vitality of Sheer Mag, ground shaking range of Black Sabbath, and the urgency of The Runaways. Their raw energy and poignant lyricism show a band that’s played together for over half a decade while still being on the cusp of earning a driver’s license. Over 11 tracks, each riff and lyric paint a vivid picture of a world they’re still discovering, from the gauzy bliss of a sun-drenched road trip to the urgency of our fractured political landscape. Thunder Queens fearlessly explore a spectrum of emotions and themes with the unmatched curiosity of youth and solidarity that comes from nurturing a foundation of sisterhood.
Lola Hayman (drums, vocals), Violet Bruneel (guitar, vocals), and Clara Magnan (bass, vocals) became friends while searching for loonies under the pinball machines at Call The Office. In between eating ice cream cones and wreaking havoc on their skateboards, they formed Thunder Queens.
The band have nailed their songwriting formula down to a science. They build the bones of shapeshifting riffs, dream up tones and harmonies, and weave stories into their songs. Similar to scoring a film, they visualize a cinematic treatment aligned around places they can see and words they can’t shake. (Like, “All These Problems” which they wrote during a summer of political unrest). Their writing, performances, and tenacity have earned them coveted spots alongside acclaimed Canadian acts like The Beaches, Metz, The Dirty Nil, Ombiigizi, and Daniel Romano, and to perform at Pop Montreal, Up Here Festival, and Bitchfest.
Strike One is the natural follow-up to their 2020 self-titled EP (Yeah Right! Records), expressing the hopes, fears, and joys, while also making razor-sharp observations on our culture. As they gaze at their surroundings, Thunder Queens remain clear-headed about the future, while continuing to push boundaries and stake their claim in the Industry.
Thunder Queens
Strike One
(Victory Pool)
Release Date: April 24, 2024
Pre-Save Strike One HERE
Tour Dates
Apr 27 – Guelph, ON – GAINFest
March 16 – Toronto, ON – Seescape – Bitchfest
May 3 – Toronto, ON – Collective Arts w/ Miesha and The Spanks & Roach
May 4 – London, ON – Palasad Social Bowl w/Miesha and The Spanks