Starlight is a collection of timeless songs, reminiscent of late-60s and early-70s masterpieces like T. Rex’s The Slider, John Lennon’s Imagine, and Derek & The Dominoes’ Layla. Caspian wrote, produced and played all instruments. Coberly is a Seattle native that is currently recording material for a new album in Los Angeles with Mario Caltado, Jr. (Beastie Boys, Jack Johnson).
“I wrote “Wonder” immediately after returning to Seattle from a long recording stay in Los Angeles. Really, the song composed itself, and, within half an hour, I had taped a complete demo version to my four-track machine. The lyrics sort of just poured out of me, there is a lot of imagery there. At that point I realized I had something special, it reminded me a bit of late-60s psychedelic writing, especially in the verses’ chords and melodies; there is a certain mystery and subtle dissonance to the music in this section. Although these lightning-in-a-bottle recordings are, at times, the ultimate representation, I knew Wonder had a different path; it was incredibly important to construct an absolute masterpiece re-recording of this song. The final version was created in bursts over the span of a year; re-arranging, re-mixing, and overdubbing its way into the nostalgic opus I had envisioned. Stratocasters, Les Pauls, and multiple different acoustic guitars feature across this track in layers, theres a certain 60s-style sonic maximalism I was aiming to achieve on “Wonder”. When I put the finishing touches together and realized the track was complete, I was absolutely overjoyed; I think “Wonder” is probably the greatest song I have written.”
Caspian Coberly
Release Date: April 11, 2025