Blair Colwell and Skyler Cafferata’s latest project, Grimelda, has spent the last 10 years dragging itself across the country, blasting chaotically joyful punk rock into the precious ears of any soul within arms reach. Their unhinged rock songs take art-punk to weird levels of amazing awesomeness and the brand new EP, It’s So Feeling When You Rock, is a collection of tracks that embellishes rock ‘n roll tropes as much as it tears them apart with its bare hands.
“Dirty li’l Dirtbike” from the new EP grew from the stereotype of a “cool dude” in the form of a motocross bro and having a non-judgemental perspective on that. It can be really easy to judge things/people you don’t know much about and it’s something that everyone is guilty of whether it’s directed towards artists, hipsters, rednecks, athletes or whoever. As Bob Dylan once stated, “we all like motorcycles to some degree.”
In a lot of ways, our new EP is a satire of the tropes found in classic rock. It’s about how rock has become surface level, lost touch with the spirit of social justice it once had, or just become a parody of itself – but it’s also about how that can be freeing.
We wrote about classic rock acts that are still heard on the radio and how they get in the way of emerging artists — while also gushing over how much we love them. We make noise about the fact that there’s no money in this other than through grants with outdated guidelines (funding for this record provided by Creative Sask, thank you so so much.)
And we come to terms with being older in an industry that moves more and more away from creativity in favour of content. There’s an indescribable feeling you get from just playing fun rock and roll without overthinking it.
It’s So Feeling When You Rock
Release Date: April 24, 2023