Business Of Dreams
Ripe For Anarchy
Slumberland Records

Ripe For Anarchy is the second production of Business of Dreams. Corey Cunningham, the multi-instrumentalist behind this project surprises us with a new release after his eponymous album Business of Dreams. This new production offers a deep existentialist songwriting style.
The idea of Cunningham in this album is clear, he wants to create a unique indie pop piece, unfortunately, at moments some of these ideas seem to be too juvenile and monotonous along the entire production.
The album itself is pretty conservative, many of the songs here seem to be easily skippable and easy to forget. In terms of lyrics, Ripe of Anarchy is unfortunately very sad and at moments turn out to be deeply existentialist and miserable.
However, not everything is bad, songs like “Chasing that Feeling”, “My Old Town” and my favourite “Keep the Blues Away” show what the idea is about. This song is different, it shows diversity, complexity and a nice background sound that catches you immediately.
Overall, the production has little sparkling moments, but most of the time Ripe For Anarchy falls into unambitious songs and very quiet rhythms.
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Sebastian Mahecha