Leeds-based musical project Bored At My Grandmas House has a new release, Show & Tell. The 12-song album has evoked many thoughts from myself upon my countless re-listens, and I have constantly found myself pendulum swinging from opinion to opinion, which is not something an album can do easily. Show and Tell is without a doubt one of the most consistent Dreampop albums I have heard this year. The album does a fantastic job at keeping its theme, and the music really does convey those feelings of being bored at your grandma’s house, very fuzzy and confusing in nature. Unfortunately, with all sonic consistency, tedium will follow, and follow it did.
Dreampop is a genre that doesn’t allow much variety in its sound and can become incredibly tiresome in its listening as it is a difficult genre to find interest in because it lacks any cross-genre commonality. Much the same can be said for Show & Tell, as the album is consistently Dreampop and would only cater to listeners of the genre.
The album is however a fantastic listen for those who love the atmospheric elements of the genre and is a great starting point for those looking to dive head-first into their Dreampop experience. Show & Tell has many standout songs on the record such as “Inhibitions”, “Show & Tell”, and “Imposter Syndrome”, which all can be easily listened to even if you’re not the biggest fan of Dreampop. These songs have the closest similarity to shoegaze elements, making them a far more entertaining listening experience, and songs I would proudly recommend listening to. “Show & Tell”, the title song, is by far the best song on the album, with beautiful guitar work and the best production value. The song has the dreamy element of the genre, whilst holding its grit and remaining perhaps the most steadfast in its delivery. The vocals on this album are quintessentially Dreampop and do not offer anything that hasn’t been done before, which is one of the genres downfalls, as there’s only so much of the same soft and indie sound a person can listen to.
The album is an incredibly strong Dreampop album, and Bored At My Grandmas House should be very proud of what they have created. However, the average listener of other genres will not find anything of substance in Show & Tell unless they are willing to try something new, and if they are, Show & Tell is not a bad place to start at all.
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Gypsy Forsyth