The Pooches The Pooches Lame-O Records The Pooches is an earnest Pop group. It is not intensely brooding or melodramatically poetic; its music is approachable and energetic. This Glasgow-based foursome is more than easy to get along with. Its [...]
Amber Arcades Fading Lines Heavenly Recordings Summer is on its way to Canada, and even if the weather hasn’t quite turned sunny enough for your liking yet, there’s no reason you can’t begin crafting your perfect summer [...]
NORMAL MADE EXTRAORDINARY AN INTERVIEW WITH LAURA SAUVAGE An alias is a good way to free yourself up and change the way you do things. Singer-songwriter Vivianne Roy has carved out a creative space for herself under the alter ego of Laura [...]
The Life Electric The Real You Zippah Records Disco and rock have a messy history. In 1979, the backlash against disco culminated at a baseball stadium in Chicago, where a radio DJ exploded a crate of disco records to the delight of rock fans in [...]
Laura Sauvage Extraordinormal Simone Records When it comes to being cool, the trick is to act like you don’t care. New Brunswick’s Vivianne Roy walks that line without breaking a sweat. Her English-language solo project goes by the [...]