Georgia Harmer
Stay In Touch
Arts & Crafts

You really have to have an impressive set of songs, a truly great voice and some stellar musical backing to come up with a debut album that should really matter.
Toronto’s Georgia Harmer certainly does with Stay In Touch.
Usually, debut albums show promise and what we can expect from an artist in the future. Yet Harmer comes out with a set of songs that show a fully-formed artist, that is an excellent songwriter with an incredible voice. Oh, and Harmer seems to deserve a title of a true romantic.
That last characteristic is often something that can bring down singer songwriters, particularly if they are too introverted or come up with some too sweet romanticism, like a cup of tea or coffee with too many sugars in it. With Harmer, who is still only 22, that loomed as a distinct possibility.
But Harmer escapes all these possible traps, because her keen eye (and ear) for all those daily, real-life situations gives her the ability to keep her romanticism in full check and present it in a foil of some excellent songs that can either be subtly melancholic (“Talamanca”) or fully rocking (“All In My Mind”) with keeping the right musical balance all along.
If her debut is this good, what can we expect from her later on?
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