Peaches, aka Merrill Beth Nisker, is about to embark on her 2016 tour promoting her latest record, Rub, which recently has been given another musical treatment entitled Rub Remixed.
Despite her sexually charged, explicit lyrics and seemingly pro-female stance, Spill Magazine’s conversation with Peaches revealed an almost politically correct motive behind her music. She isn’t necessarily pro-female, pro-male, pro-gay, pro-straight, pro-young, pro-old…..she’s pro-human.
“When I say ‘Dick in the Air’, I’m just saying what I want to say. There are a lot of ways to express myself and you don’t have to follow certain clichés,” Peaches states. After growing up and listening to Classic Rock and listening to lyrics about women shaking their bootie, Peaches declares, “I want to say things the way I want to say them.”
Her album Fatherfucker is a testament to her belief. The title is a protest to how pervasive the term motherfucker is used throughout society and how people give little thought or care to their choice of words.
“Really I just want to do my best to stay positive and give love,” Peaches admits.
She comments that she has a following among all different sorts of musical audiences, “…except for the 15-21-year-old male demographic, “ Peaches jokes, alluding to what the typical target group is for musical financial success. “My music is for people that are open-minded and who enjoy life,” she adds.
When asked about whether she was making a statement about having her latest album, Rub, being remixed by an all-female contingent, Peaches simply acknowledges that those selected were simply producers that she always wanted to work with and she wanted to see what they could do with her music.
Born in Ontario, Canada on November 11, 1968, Peaches began her musical career in the 1990s as part of a folk trio, Mermaid Café, a name taken from the Joni Mitchell song, “Carey.” Previously she had attended school in the hopes of becoming a stage director. Her background in stage production would later become an integral part in her unique costume and imagery on display during the Peaches concert experience.
Peaches promises that her concerts are, “very theatrical, spontaneous and well-directed.” She would not divulge any further information on her concert production apart from saying that it would be a great experience and was confident that concert-goers would continue to say that they had never seen anything like it before. Her first album, Fancypants Hoodlum, was released under the name Merrill Nisker in 1995. The same year she started the Shit, a gritty band with Chilly Gonzales (a.k.a. Jason Beck), who has since then continued to collaborate with Nisker during her solo theatre production of Peaches Christ Superstar. Peaches is quite proud of this one-woman stage production, perhaps being one her proudest achievements during her long musical career.
Subsequently albums after Fancypants Hoodlum includes tongue-in-cheek titles such as Fatherfucker, Impeach My Bush and I Feel Cream.
Peaches’ North American leg of the tour started in late June and will continue into the fall of 2016.