Prescription Fiction, Pt. 1
Silent Majority Group

Jacksonville, Florida-based alternative rock band, Pharmacose, have released their debut EP, Prescription Fiction, Pt. 1. The six-song release follows a string of five previous single releases that started in the summer of 2019. Prescription Fiction, Pt. 1 is a collection of Pharmacose’s first five singles, with the addition of a brand new song.
Opening with “Alternate Reality”, Pharmacose sets the tone of its debut EP with its previously unreleased track. Driven by crunching powerchords and angsty vocal melodies, “Alternate Reality” is a mid-tempo hard rocker reminiscent of 2000’s rock and punk bands. “Checked Out”, on the other hand, slows things down a touch and introduces a more atmospheric and ambient verse which contrasts quite nicely with its powerful chorus.
As Prescription Fiction, Pt. 1 continues forward, Pharmacose dips heavily into a pop punk influence that, while present throughout the entire EP, is especially clear on “Victory At Wit’s End” and “I Keep Dreaming Of The Sun”. That being said, Pharmacose are at their best when they dig deep into a heavier stride, has best heard on the blistering “The Clearing”.
While it is a touch too pop punk for my taste, Pharmacose hits it hard with a strong debut EP that is bound to open a number of doors for them. The songs feel well-written and creative, while nostalgic for rock music of the last two decades. Despite how reminiscent Pharmcose may sound, Prescription Fiction, Pt. 1 comes across as fresh in 2020, and will leave listeners curious for more.
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Gerrod Harris