Ora Cogan Crickets Hand Drawn Dracula Crickets is Ora Cogan’s fifth album, and it is her best. Last year she released the remarkable Shadowland, and to me it was somewhat doubtful she would be able to top such a personal and beautiful album. The [...]
MONTREAL PSYCH FOLK/AMERICANA SONGWRITER ORA COGAN ANNOUNCES UPCOMING RECORD CRICKETS + FALL TOUR DATES Hand Drawn Dracula Ora Cogan combines the intricate guitar picking of Americana with Psychedelic dreamscapes, drawing comparisons to 70’s [...]
VANCOUVER, YOKO ONO & CRICKETS A CONVERSATION WITH ORA COGAN Ora Cogan is a Canadian treasure. Her music defies labelling, it simply must be experienced. She has produced some of the most unique and truly brilliant albums over the past ten [...]