A Spill Exclusive Video Premiere
We came up with the expression Rock The Deer. It doesn’t mean anything technically but, it makes perfect sense to us! And, to anyone who has experience with a deer getting in their path while driving on the highway and having a split second to make a decision. Literally and symbolically. It’s about anger, trashy situations and their outcomes. I can’t remember why, but for some reason I thought it was a great idea to add a song to the album that was kinda 2nd generation punk. Crusty or fashion mohawk, spikes and leather jacket with a GBH or Discharge patch on the back but, it turned into this techno cyber punky tune with arpeggiators and synths over a country/metal-ish shuffle. All very trashy. It talks religion, politics and art in a very basic and primitive way. Is the deer good or evil? You decide. ~Pablo Martin – Lulu Lewis
Lulu Lewis
Genuine Psychic
(Ilegalia Records)
Release Date: May 2019