Various Artists
Brown Acid: The Fourteenth Trip
RidingEasy Records

Have six months already passed by? Well, that surely means it is time for the new Brown Acid The Fourteenth Trip proto hard/heavy compilation from yesteryear and artists and songs time should not have forgotten. This time around, it a14th installment.
When number14 is mentioned, professional boxing fans will surely know that means the last round in the title bout. Is it the last round for Brown Acid?
It was always the question of when the good stuff people at Riding Easy Records have been coming up with from their music research wells will dry up, yet they seem to be soldiering on bravely, no matter what. Hopefully, those wells still have good material to come up with and the compilers still insist on quality counter to quantity.
This time around, instead of adding fewer quality songs and artist to fill in the number, easy riding compilers have gone for just eight tracks, but making sure the quality adds up. And it certainly does, material ranges from your ‘standard’ (but good) hard rock from Blue Creed (a band that actually never was) and their “Need A Friend,” to some original power pop with weird effects of Mijal & White and their only ever single “I’ve Been You”.
This time around Brown Acid The Fourteenth Trip just goes on to prove that very often less means more.
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Ljubinko Zivkovic