Next Door Records
Those not so familiar with Toronto’s Maryam Said and her moniker Poolblood, might think that the moniker itself indicates some sort of black metal or dark folk as her chosen musical style.
Yet Mole, her latest album, might partially fall under folk, but it would hardly require that dark tag along. Sure, there is quite a lot of almost ethereal, intimate music and lyrics here, but also some exquisite pop (“Twinkie”) which somehow all fits together so easily.
Actually, Said has such an easy and light touch both to her music and lyrics, that you constantly have the impression that this light feather might simply drift away, yet it keeps floating around, constantly (lightly) pushed by Said’s vocals and omni-present acoustic guitar all set in some intricate arrangements that include subtle brass and just touches of electronics.
It is that kind of music that is just so hard to turn off and switch to something else.
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Ljubinko Zivkovic