
Okay, this is a band going places – most likely the beer tent, the pub and any other place that sells copious amounts of alcohol! With a name that translates as vomit this was a review that required a certain amount of initial bravery! And I didn’t like the cover!
What a surprise! First of all, these guys can really play! Pal A Larsen on guitar plays both fast and mean, and Bengt Orstad keeps up a sound back beat on the drums that holds this more than accomplished band of musicians together.
This is a potent mix of thrash metal and acid punk, not especially my taste; but then it gets you with the fact that it really has a sense of humour. This is never better shown than in the song “Jaeger My Old Friend”.
On the downside the songs are generally short (around 2 mins 30 secs), headbangingly simple, and with tracks like “I Don’t Care”, it is like they are in a rush to get to the end. It occasionally feels like a session amongst friends, trying out ideas.
I do like the fact that in an age of plastic conformity and talent show fakeness, this band is absolutely real! I can see them hitting the stage in a smallish hall and absolutely going down a storm.
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