Has the thought ever crossed your mind that certain songs could constitute the soundtrack for your life story? That, if your life were to ever be made into a movie, you could create a playlist to express your emotions for certain moments, which simple words or actions could not communicate? Look no further, for End Of The Tunnel is the perfect source for adding to the playlist of one’s life. These songs can make your life feel like a movie in the best way imaginable.
Right from the get-go, Atlas Genius provides us with all the ‘80s vibes, mixed with elements of modern music that resembles bands such as Cage The Elephant and Tampa Impala. It is songs such as “Falling So Hard” that make one reminisce on their youth, on a time when one could regularly dance in front of their mirror with a hairbrush/microphone in hand and perform for their reflection to their heart’s content.
In order to hit all the points of a character arc, there also needs to be some softer moments, and End Of The Tunnel does not miss this mark. “Do Me This Way” is the best example of this, for the change in speed here is sensual, sure, but also magnetic in how the chorus strikes down on the listener. It’s such a powerful move, one that may have been somewhat lackluster in “Can’t Be Alone Tonight”, for the build up to the chorus is as though a break-through is about to occur, only for the beats and vocals to maintain some form of composure, which is slightly underwhelming.
“Elegant Strangers”, however, is likely the most inspiring song of them all. On its own, the song has a multitude of layers, most notably its slow pace growing into an intense one that is all-consuming. So consuming, in fact, that one may question if it was ever really steady to begin with, which is a funny feeling to have. It’s the guitar that carries one through this experience and controls the elegance of the song in such an effective manner.
So, whether only starting to think about the soundtrack for your life, or if you have collected some songs for it already, Atlas Genius’s End Of The Tunnel is a highly recommended addition. It has songs for the highs, the lows, the intimate, the plot-altering, the reminiscent, the immediate, and the list goes on for as long as you’re willing. Life’s already a movie, why not have some great songs help tell the story?
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Victoria Psihalos