Toronto based singer/songwriter Alex Southey released his debut in 2019 with what appeared to be a Christmas themed album, Christmastown. Releasing the album in May should have been a clue this was not a Christmas album, but then that is part of what makes Southey so interesting and endearing. He never really does what one expects. Since that great debut, Southey has been very prolific, releasing a number of EPs, singles and albums during the last five years. This EP, Entertainers Bring May Flowers Collection, brings together a number of singles Southey has released during the past year or so. Calling it an EP is a bit unfair, as the eight tracks really constitute a mini-album. But Southey calls it an EP, so that is what Entertainers Bring May Flowers Collection is.
The eight songs contained within this EP are wonderful and full of different sounds and images. While the songs are pretty much acoustic and alt-folk based, Southy has fun and demonstrates his ability to work within the genre and create many different sounds. There are some beautiful, gentle, sparse songs, such as “Down, Boy” (which features folk singer Julie Title on lead vocals) which are really quite moving. Then you have songs, such as “Athletes” which has one of Southey’s most dramatic arrangements. “Waterloo, Where The Vampires Hang Out” owes as much to jazz as it does to folk. Southey’s guitar work on this particular track is quite different and excellent.
Credit must be given to Alex Gamble, who produced the album. He has worked with Southey in the past and knows how to draw out Southey’s strengths. But he also does not interfere and change the sound. He allows a great deal of space throughout the music and this provides a perfect canvas for Southey to paint his music. And in many ways, Southey’s music is very visual and with songs like “Won’t Listen”, he does not pull any punches with his lyrics or music. Gamble captures this and it makes for a very strong song full of emotion.
At the same time, Southey has a natural ability to write strong melodies that are instantly accessible. “Won’t Listen” is a good example of this and so is the opening title track “Entertainers Bring May Flowers”. A brilliant title and the song lives up to the expectations. Southey has always written interesting and thought provoking lyrics, and Entertainers Bring May Flowers Collection is no exception. “It’s a faded flower you smell just like, ” Southey sings in the brilliant “God’s Green Earth”. He continues “and I don’t know your real name but that sounds right”. Seemingly not connected thoughts but Southey brings everything together in this song that combines world issues with the quest for love.
Entertainers Bring May Flowers Collection is a great collection of songs. In reality, it does not have the sound or flavour of a ‘collection’ or compilation. Each song fits with the next and in the end one has a very cohesive EP. Southey (and producer Gamble) have assembled a very strong EP. It is obvious that they took sequencing very seriously and the end result is a brilliant album.
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