BUCKCHERRY VOL. 10 CENTURY MEDIA The release of Buckcherry’s 10th studio album is truly one for the books. As the ultimate party-starting band, they never fail to bring the heat with their signature electric music styling, blended [...]
Jesus Piece …So Unknown Century Media Over the past 10 years, the landscape of metalcore has mutated into various forms, with a penchant for the melody/breakdown routine of the post-hardcore movement. Philadelphia’s Jesus Piece has instead [...]
TEARING DOWN THE PILLARS OF THEOCRACY A CONVERSATION WITH OV SULFUR GUITARIST CHASE WILSON As the integration of black metal, a genre built on defiance and raw blasphemy, continues to become prevalent in heavier music, the possibility to carve [...]
Queensrÿche The Verdict Century Media Washington’s legendary heavy metal outfit Queensrÿche have released a new album The Verdict. Having built their reputation in the ‘80s, their eponymous ‘83 Iron Maiden-esque EP got the band noticed [...]