AVI C. ENGEL NOCTURNE (SOUNDTRACK FOR AN INVISIBLE FILM) ELEPHANT SHREW EDITIONS Toronto’s Avi C. Engel is on a serious release streak. They already have a serious set of singles, EPs and albums under their belt, and after the Bestiary EP [...]
AVI C. ENGEL BESTIARY ELEPHANT SHREW EDITIONS Checking out the Bandcamp page of Toronto’s Avi C. Engel, you realize they have a slew of releases, as some of them went under that C. that stands for Clara. They explain with their motto: [...]
AVI C. ENGEL STRANGLING VINE INDEPENDENT With some 20 years on the music scene, Toronto’s Avi C. Engel (they/them) is no newcomer. During that period, they have accumulated quite a serious catalogue, which their Bandcamp page will amply show [...]