New York indie soul band, Club Lotus, release their determined single, “Stole My Ace.” In essence it’s about taking love back from people that stole it from you. For the band, their “ace” is the love and energy stolen from them by toxicity but there are many different ways to personally interpret what an ace is.
Anna Siciliano (Vocals), Dylan Kelly (Guitar), Marley Perez (Guitar), and Justin Gibble (Drums) are born and bred New Yorkers who have come together to form Club Lotus. They take great care in distilling something for themselves, in the hopes that others can enjoy that journey with them.
“This song, like many songs, was written almost as a form of therapy. Speaking for myself,” says vocalist Anna Siciliano, “I often write when I’m emotionally overwhelmed, so it acts as stress relief. My goal when writing lyrics is always to express exactly what I’m feeling in the moment of writing, and to let go of any abundance of emotion. That way, hopefully, people who listen to the song can feel the same release as I did when I wrote it.”
Club Lotus
Acid On The Dancefloor
Release Date: April 19, 2024