Paradise is the latest release by the alternative band Wishy. This is the second release of 2023 for Wishy, with the first being Mana. Paradise consists of five tracks, and sadly, there are more misses than hits. With that being said, the tracks “Donut” and “Too True” are absolute bangers and will be adored by fans of shoegaze, indie pop, dreampop, grunge, and alternative rock.
“Donut” is a hypnotic earworm of a song that hits you in the feels, a song that is meant to be blasted at full volume while driving. It manages to take a 90s-style sound and make it feel fresh again. Everything comes together wonderfully on this super fun track. The lyrics are elegant and earnest. The vocals are dreamy and stunning. The chorus is fantastic and incredibly catchy. It also has a badass shoegaze and grunge-inspired guitar riff and has a sense of melancholy and bittersweetness throughout the track. It is a track full of exciting surprises and top-notch songwriting.
“Too True” ends the record off on a good note. If there is one word to describe “Too True”, it would be ‘entrancing.’ There is tough competition between this and “Donut” for best track. It has just the right amount of angst, a superb guitar solo, charming vocals, and is invigorating from start to finish. Also, the drums are phenomenal. It adds so much flavour to the song.
“Paradise” opens up the EP. On my first listen, I really enjoyed it, but the more I listened to it, the less it appealed to me. The introspectiveness of the lyrics carries the track on its shoulders as the instrumentation feels a lot more generic to songs like “Donut” and “Too True”. It is a track that sounds amazing on the first listen but lacks somewhat in replay value.
Overall, Paradise is a decent record. Some tracks lack lyrical depth, have bland instrumentation and are not memorable. Several tracks do not have the same spark as “Donut” or “Too True”. Nevertheless, those two tracks are truly spectacular and will be stuck in your head for quite some time.
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Joseph Mastel