Terry Draper
Bread And Cirkus
Terry Tunes Records

Terry Draper is back with a new album, his best album to date. Bread And Cirkus is an album of 14 songs which are musically diverse. It is musically and lyrically a brilliant album. Klaatu, of which Draper was one third, was equally comfortable with pop music as it was with prog. On Bread And Cirkus, Draper returns to that style and does the same thing within the confines of the album.
The album opens with the poppy “All Together” and closes with the epic, prog sounds of “Icarus”. Pop does not mean easy on the lyrics, but it does mean songs like “All Together” are instantly accessible and stick in your mind. There are many pop-oriented songs on the album, such as “Everything About You” (a lovely love song), “The Road”, and “One Heart”, which features some fine organ playing from Draper. Another love song, but as with “Everything About You”, these are mature love songs full of sentimentality and demonstrates the beauty of deep, long standing love. “One Heart” is simply a stunning and wonderful song.
Later on the album takes a turn into prog. “Sun Worshiping” brings back backward tapes and the song creates quite an ominous affect. Jamie Grant and Michael Pridgen provide stellar guitar and the overall effect is a wonderful and melodic sound collage. The same can be said for the title track “Bread And Cirkus”. Chris Hess provides atmospheric saxophone and with the use of animal sounds and powerful guitar (Grant again, this time with Fernando Perdomo) Draper hammers in the message “Bread And Cirkus to keep them in their classes”. A very powerful statement from a powerful song.
One song that stands out his tribute to Ted Jones, “The Tale Of Ted”. Jones painted and designed Klaatu’s album sleeves and a number of covers for Draper’s solo work. He was also a dear friend to Draper, and “The Tale Of Ted” is a heartfelt tribute and beautiful song to a lost friend. It is emotional and quite moving.
The CD is beautifully packaged, as always, and online content is available as well. Draper has always taken great care in putting together beautiful packages that reflect the strong music found within the packaging.
Bread And Cirkus is an amazing work of art. Draper, along with some of his friends, have come up with one very strong album. Draper has a message about the world, but also brings everything back to love and interpersonal relationships. But he is also all too aware how all too often the world can destroy such relationships with dogma. But Draper is hopeful and that comes across in the music and the lyrics. Draper’s voice has never sounded better and is playing is top notch. Basically, a fantastic album!
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