Jeremy Tuplin
Orville’s Discotheque
Trapped Animal Records

Can you label Jeremy Tuplin as a singer-songwriter? Not exactly an easy answer to that question, because, on one hand, sure, Tuplin is an artist who writes and sings his own songs. On the other, his music doesn’t exactly fit that standard idea of what singer-songwriter music should sound like, and his latest (fourth) album, Orville’s Discotheque, is practically all over the place musically, more fitting the mold of art (electro folk) rock, something that late giant David Bowie would do in one of his musical guises.
Tuplin covers such a wide musical ground throughout the album, often in a single song, from some cool ‘rock’, as in the opener “It’s A Real World”, the subtle electro-pop of “Dancing (On Your Own)”, or both “Idiot Love”, to ‘standard’ singer-songwriter mode with a touch of soul of “Love Town”.
In any case his songwriting is fully-grown and mature here, making Orville’s Discotheque and excellent Tuplin outing.
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