Dirty Glow
Plug Research
Nate Brenner of tUnE-yArDs has released his debut solo album, Dirty Glow, and it brings back a retro feel into our new age generation. Naytronix brings a fused Techno-Jazz and Percussion-Funk sound that gives Dirty Glow a spooky and cryptic vibe. Tracks like “Good Thing,” and “Are You Ready for a Good Time” describe the debut release to a very short extent – and yet they are the most entertaining tracks on the album. With that being said, it’s not quite there as far as energy goes. Other tracks such as “Baby Don’t Walk Away,” and “Evil Dancer” feel like they were on loop for hours, just anticipating the end because of how repetitive and flat the melodies are. It’s definitely not an album you want to take with you to the gym, or on a weekend road trip, or really any occasion that’s meant to be ‘a good time.’ Dirty Glow can be quite a downer.
Jaii Bhamra (Twitter @jkbhamraa)
Album Review: Naytronix – Dirty Glow
Jaii K. Bhamra