Monkeytown Records
Last week, Moderat announced the release of the album’s second single, “Running,” which presents a highly emotive kind of pop, built for dancing, but never simple. Today, the trio reveals the single’s visual accompaniment, directed by Jakob Grunert who uses the incessant momentum of Running to narrate a pilot’s final flight. After abandoning his plane in an aircraft boneyard, the pilot grapples with the frailty of purpose and the pursuit of rebirth. The story goes hand-in-hand with the band’s description of Running in that the song is about being part of a mass that constantly needs to move to function, but a mass that’s not deciding directions by itself. Check out the video for “Running” below.
Running EP
(Monkeytown Records)
Release Date: May 20, 2016
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Track List
1. Running
2. 90% Wasser
3. Running (Shed Remix)
4. Running (KINK Remix)