The Mad Mile has made their debut with their EP Skyliner. The band consists of Adam Pickering (of Alley Of The Dolls) and Matthew Goodbody. Both Pickering and Goodbody have worked together in the band General Admin. However, for The Mad Mile, they tap into their shoegaze influences, mix them with some post punk bands like Joy Division and came up with The Mad Mile sound. Apparently for this EP, Skyliner, the duo went into the studio, wrote, produced, and mixed it in one month. Credit must be given to Mark Roberts who mastered the EP. The result is a strong EP full of great songs and an opportunity for both artists to show that they can do more than heavy rock.
Skyliner opens with the Chameleon influenced “Lights”. It has a very slow groove and excellent harmonies that combine to produce a dreamlike quality for the song. Grinding guitars are layered with other sounds to give the song an overall foreboding sound. It would not be out of place in a horror film. This is followed by the much more mellow, “Aren’t You A One”. The distorted vocals over the sparse arrangement produces a great song that if Eno had produced would be a monster hit. As it is, it is a brilliant song and the highlight of the album. The duo has come up with a wonderful melody and the song becomes one of those songs that one wants to listen to over and over.
“Tantamount” is a much more percussion heavy song. The beat falls away to grungy guitars and the song has an overall aggressive feel to it. It changes things up for the EP. Finally, Skyliner ends with “M7”. Again, drums (or drum machine) kick the song off with dreamy guitar. But the guitar gets louder and the song has the most Joy Division feeling of the entire EP. It is an interesting way to end the EP, as it is similar to the beginning but different enough to show that the band has grown during the four songs.
Overall, Skyliner is a very solid and great debut by a new band. The fact that it was recorded so quickly in a burst of creativity is very interesting and rock ‘n’ roll. Perhaps for their second release they will take more time and give their music a different production sound. There is nothing wrong with the production on this album, but one would not want to see these two artists repeat themselves. The fact that The Mad Mile is a side band is equally interesting, as it seems to be an opportunity for the two members to spread their music wings. They have the talent to do and if they continue with this band, only great things will come from this duo.
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