Dave Monks
On A Wave
Dine Alone Records

After spending some time in the limelight with Tokyo Police Club, Dave Monks has finally spread his wings and released his first solo full-length album, On a Wave.
While the album itself is simple and stripped down, it works in the best of ways with Monks’ vocal abilities. It gives the lyrics a chance to shine for each track, and each one speaks volumes to how talented Monks really is as an artist.
Moments like “No One’s Child” stand out on the album for raw, on-the-road music session appeal and obvious lyrical charm. “Bluebird,” though simplistic in its delivery, stands out because of the beauty of its instrumentals, empty room-echo vocals, and outstanding use of synths to convey a great calming ambient vibe. “Lonely” also is a treasure for its varied vocal tones and impressive guitar and drum elements throughout. One of the best on the album, “On a Wave” from start to finish delivers a spectacular work of musicianship and lyricism from the debut solo artist.
For those that are looking for an unvarnished record experience that delivers a lyrical punch with flashes of breathtaking instrumental dexterity, this is worth the spin.
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